Piping fabricated of or having components of austenitic stainless steel should be hydrotested with a solution made up of potable water (see note), de-ionized/de-mineralized water or steam condensate having a total chloride concentration (not free chlorine concentration) of less than 50 ppm. After testing is completed, the piping should be thoroughly drained (all high-point vents should be open during draining), air blown, or otherwise dried. If potable water is not available or if immediate draining and drying is not possible, water having a very low chloride level, higher pH (>10), and inhibitor addition may be considered to reduce the risk of pitting and microbiologically induced corrosion.
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The test medium for all offshore pipelines will be water. Additives to mitigate the effects of corrosion, bio-fouling, and freezing should be considered. Such additives should be suitable for the methods of disposal of the test medium.
The test medium shall be soft non-aggressive water furnished by the Contractor. The water to be used shall be filtered, shall not be contaminated and free from sand of silt. Contractor shall submit laboratory test reports of water used for testing. The possible use of sea water shall be subjected to its degree of cleanness, the possibility of obtaining a pre-determined salinity neutralization and the use of corrosion inhibitors, this at the sole discretion of Company. Contractor shall provide Company approved corrosion inhibitors, oxygen scavengers and bactericides to be added to the test water. The Contractor shall furnish and install all temporary piping, which may be necessary to connect from source of water to its pump and manifolds/tankages. 2ff7e9595c